
January 2023

North America Regional Screening of CCS Opportunities

Project Phases

  • Identify

Technology Areas

  • CCUS

Service Areas

  • Strategic Advisory

Project Location

  • United States

Used geospatial modelling to screen several hundred facilities and pinpoint top-ranked CCS development opportunities across the full value chain


Goal7's client, a global developer of low carbon solutions, required a rapid screening of a large geographical area covering 6 states, to assess the potential for CCS full value chain project development opportunities

Our Approach: 

Goal7 identified publicly available date from several and used geospatial mapping software to prepare a model showing graphically potential CCS opportunity locations.  Data included:

  • Emitters by CO2 emission (both by volume and industry/facility type)
  • Existing and planned Class VI well applications
  • Existing and planned CO2 infrastructure (including pipelines)
  • Regional CO2 storage estimates

In collaboration with our client, Goal7 developed a ranking criteria to systemically refine an initial dataset of potential opportunities consisting of more than 500 emitters to a short list of 9 high graded opportunities, along with build out options for each

Goal7 performed detailed analysis on each high graded opportunities, including:

  • Review of each facility
  • Facility owners corporate decarbonization objectives / goals
  • Potential land availability (for injection facilities)
  • State specific regulatory policies / environment
  • Ranked score for each emitter (and nearby emitters to assess potential build-out)

Benefit and Impact: Through Goal7s systematic approach the client was provided with an actionable list of high graded emitters, based on specific and relevant ranking criteria.  The report provided by Goal7 ensured sufficient information to enter into initial discussions with each emitter: credibly demonstrating understanding of the facility, the corporate goals of the facility owner, and potential geographical constraints and opportunities for each facility

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