About Us

About Us / Background

Goal7… what’s the name all about?

Committed to accelerating the energy transition. Our name comes from UN Sustainable Development Goal for Clean and Affordable Energy, Goal7. We feel this goal embraces the combined challenge of global energy inequality whilst transitioning to cleaner energy sources. This is the challenge that Goal7 has been set-up to play a part in addressing

Our Pupose

About Us / Our Purpose

Interesting… but what does Goal7 actually do?

We are an advisory consulting business providing clear support to accelerate the development of whole value chain energy transition solutions which work in balance with the world around us..

Our approach is based on integrating expertise and experience in science, engineering, sustainability and economics. We have a passion for discovery which ensures research is an integral part of our way of working.

We work at pace using agile project management techniques. Our multi discipline team includes engineers, chemists, economists and commercial personnel with in-depth experience of accelerating and executing complex projects.

About Us / Our Values

Tell us about the things you really care about?

There are themes and objectives in our values that underpin everything we do

About Us

People first and foremost
We want to attract, recruit, develop, excite and retain exceptional employees from a diverse background

About Us

Great teams working together
Build effective teams recognising that collectively, we achieve more. We freely collaborate and share to achieve this

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Sustainability is central
Sustainability is at the forefront of our minds in the advice we give our clients and how we run our business

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Science at our core
Science guides our work and informs us as to what we need to do to address the climate emergency and that technology advancement will allow us to accelerate improvements. We will always follow a rigorous scientific process and be at the forefront of technology advances in our area

About Us

Service quality second to none
We want to consistently produce work that we are proud of and that our clients will come back to us for

About Us

Rule of 15
We like to take inspiration from things and in this case, the All Blacks First XV has contributed to our business values. There may be a few rugby fans on the Goal7 team. Adapted for the business world, these are the values Goal7 believes are important as a basis for sustainable business

Download our Rule of 15

About Us / People

Like to get to know the
team?… Who are they?

About Us

Eeva Aarnio

Financial Analyst


My journey into economics started in school when I chose an introductory course purely out of curiosity and was absolutely blown away by all the interesting aspects of the subject. I have always loved problem solving and finding efficient solutions, so with an enthusiastic economics teacher inspiring me, I decided to do a degree in Economics and Finance at university. My desire for adventure led me to leave my home in Finland in order to pursue studies in Scotland. Here I have found a second home.

The fundamental problem in economics is answering the question ‘how can we best allocate the scarce resources we have’. Thinking about this question in the context of the modern world got me interested in environmental and sustainability economics. Understanding resource allocation and how economies develop to answer new societal concerns is what makes the subject so interesting.

After I graduated I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that would allow me to use my skills to take part in solving issues related to the sustainability of the planet. I was thrilled to discover Goal7 and its amazing team of talented individuals. Being part of Goal7 is a perfect place to use my skills and to expand my knowledge beyond my own subject area in order to understand how we can best achieve net zero emissions. Seeing through the energy transition and evolution of new sources of sustainable energy is exciting, and I hope to be part of developing the economy to catch up with and integrate innovative technological changes to our everyday lives.

Born and raised around the beautiful natural landscapes of Finland I am determined to ensure the preservation of natural habitats for all living creatures. My parents instilled in me a respect for my surroundings, where careful recycling and enjoying the produce from our own garden was a natural thing when I was growing up. When the want for change and a better environment extends to all parts of our lives, we can witness the compounding effect of small everyday actions. With everyone doing their bit, anything is achievable!

About Us

Philip Abramson

Sustainability Analyst - Chemist


Philip holds an MChem degree in Chemistry from the university of Edinburgh, where he specialized in organic chemistry, working on projects in green catalysis and synthesis for drug discovery. Philip worked as a scientist in chemical process design for two years, where he worked with clients optimizing process efficiency, safety and sustainability for chemical manufacture. He joined Goal7 in 2024 using his research skills to deliver sustainable solutions for clients and is motivated by new ideas and strategies which last for the future.

Hear more from Philip....

Where does your interest in sustainability come from?

My family are very interested in the natural world, so from a young age I was taught the importance of biodiversity and maintaining native ecosystems. Many of my fondest memories involve interacting with the natural world, so I believe in the importance of evolving industrial practices to coexist with nature for generations to come. Through my studies in chemistry I learned of the positive impact chemicals have had on society through modern medicine, automation, and energy abundance but also the great harm environmental pollution has had. Therefore I am interested in how chemical knowledge can be used to reverse environmental damage and innovate more sustainable and cost effective solutions.

What made you choose Goal7?

I chose Goal7 because it seemed like a great opportunity to use my education to make a meaningful impact on the world and contribute to and learn from a multifaceted team of motivated people. The companies values of having science at its core while delivering a quality service also resonated with my personal interest in using good research practices to deliver high quality solutions for clients. From day one of meeting the team at Goal7 their ambition to making a positive change through sustainable practices was clear and I have continued to be impressed by the way in which the company consistently adheres to their core values.

What’s your favourite quote or piece of advice?

The quote "when we know what the right thing is, we need to get on and do it — precisely because it's the right thing, not for any other reason." speaks to my own values of acting with integrity, but also to a shift in mindset I believe is required to develop a more sustainable society, economy and environment.

What’s your go-to comfort food?

I really enjoy cooking to share with family and friends, so foods like Mexican chilli or large pots of curry are my favourite.

What’s your favourite hobby or pastime?

My favourite hobby is playing board games. I like going to board game cafes to learn new games and particularly enjoy games involving strategy. Organising board games evenings has also been a great way of meeting with old friends around the holiday seasons.

About Us

Simba Biti

Graduate Sustainability Analyst (Chemical Engineer)


Growing up in Zimbabwe and South Africa, I gained a deep appreciation for the environment through holidays spent in enchanting 'hubs' of nature like Victoria Falls, Lake Kariba, the Drakensberg Mountains, and the Garden Route. Whilst I had an enjoyable upbringing, I was keenly aware of the socioeconomic issues and inequalities that existed around me. I also became interested in instances of new infrastructure and commercial projects that helped with abating these issues and inequalities. Thus, from an early age, even when I still had dreams of becoming a professional cricket player or a superhero, I knew that I wanted to make an impact on the world that would promote both human and environmental flourishing.

This desire turned into a passion during high school in being able to do subjects like history, geography, and the physical sciences, where I learned further about the factors and means that contribute to a developing society. This passion, along with a desire to experience the rest of the world, spurred me to pursue a BEng and then PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Aberdeen.

My PhD research focused on producing adsorbents such as biochar and activated carbon for use in carbon capture, with these adsorbents originating from renewable biomass sources. It certainly felt rewarding being able to conduct novel research that explored a prominent net zero technology and developing the circular economy. My studies left me with a substantial skillset and a determination to embrace and address the challenge of achieving sustainable development through advancing a just energy transition.

I am immensely delighted to have joined Goal7, a company with a purpose that certainly aligns with my passion and aspirations. This became clear to me during the recruitment processes in speaking with various members of the team who shared similar motivations to me, and in getting to know more about Goal7's impressive achievements. I look forward to learning more and making a positive contribution at Goal7, where a long lasting, global legacy of sustainable development is being forged.

About Us

Thomas Easton

Sustainability Analyst - Chemist


Thomas holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering and an MChem degree in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh. Thomas brings experience in applying technical chemistry expertise across a wide range of sustainability consulting and policy advocacy projects, as well as a proven track record in sustainability aligned research. Previously working as a journals' publishing editor, Thomas has a comprehensive understanding of academic publishing in both energy and environmental science.

Hear more from Thomas....

Where does your interest in sustainability come from?

I feel very lucky to have had a fantastic education in chemistry and as a result, to have developed a broad understanding of the way the world works. Learning about the many impacts we have on our planet and on the people inhabiting it made clear to me that our current approach isn’t working. Also made clear to me is the fact that scientists like myself hold the potential to change the current trajectory. I’ve committed myself to learning as much as I can about how science can drive change in the sustainability space and I will continue to take any opportunity I can to use my own skills to this end

What’s something you learned about yourself while working at Goal7?

There are many ways an individual can make an impact if they are surrounded by the right team and environment. At Goal7, I have found that my own potential to drive change is enhanced by working alongside this talented and diverse group of people

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

I love to cook and discover new food experiences so I think that this would be a difficult existence for me but the one dish that comes to mind is cacio e pepe. It’s so satisfyingly simple to make and is my number one comfort food

What’s your favourite hobby or pastime?

I love to walk or run in the Scottish countryside. I grew up surrounded by fields and hills so getting out of the city and surrounding myself with the landscape and the occasional inquisitive sheep feels like being back home.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

As a scientist I would love to speak to some of the pioneers of my field. I think I could really blow Antoine Lavoisier’s mind with an update on how far we have come and the magic that can be achieved with science

About Us

Robin Faha

Graduate Sustainability Analyst


Back in my last year of high school, I went on a one week trip to visit a friend studying in Scotland, specifically in Edinburgh. This trip was a game-changer. At the time, I was still figuring out what I wanted to do with my future, but Scotland left a lasting impression. I fell head over heels for the culture and the people. The moment I got back home, I knew I had to find a way to study there.

So, I applied for various degrees, mostly in business management and engineering. The University of Aberdeen accepted me into their Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Renewable Energies MEng program which I managed to complete in five "short" years. During that time, Scotland gradually became my home.

After finishing my degree, I hit a bit of a crossroads. University had its moments, but it had also taken some of the fun out of engineering. I had to figure out whether I wanted to keep going down that path. I considered pursuing another degree or diving into the working world to see what it was all about. After some chats with my parents, I found some middle ground. I was on the hunt for a job that would let me keep up with my hobbies and also offer something beyond engineering.

So, I reached out to a former manager from a past summer job and asked if there was a spot for me. Lucky for me, they said yes! I joined their team as a data analyst, where I worked on their class action case against the pesticide cartel in Germany. This job helped me figure out what I really wanted from a workplace—somewhere I could be myself, make a positive impact, and enjoy some flexibility. Being able to work from home and set my own hours was the icing on the cake, letting me balance my many hobbies and work life perfectly.

But, as life has it, after about six months, I started to miss engineering. That's when Goal7 came into the picture. It felt like the perfect blend of everything I loved about my old job and the engineering world I missed.

I've always believed that if you make a positive impact on your surroundings, it'll do the same for you. So, joining a company like Goal7, dedicated to building a more sustainable future, just felt right.

With all these pieces falling into place, it was a total no-brainer for me to jump on board as a Sustainability Analyst. Plus, after meeting most of the team during the interviews, I couldn't wait to join the crew and be part of their fantastic work. So here I am, ready to make a positive change and have a blast doing it!

About Us

Roi Fernández

Graduate Sustainability Analyst - Economics


Roi holds a degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master's in Environment and Sustainable Development from the University of Glasgow, where he focused his thesis on the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS). He joined Goal7 to apply his expertise towards advancing the energy transition, drawn by the company's values. Roi is eager to further expand his knowledge and experience in this field during his graduate program.

Hear more from Roi...

Where does your interest in sustainability come from?

I was born in the mountainous area of Os Ancares, in Galiza, a region where agriculture and forestry are the main economic activities. The river that passes through my village was once full of trout, but overfishing caused the river to run out of this species. This was a turning point in my life when it comes to my interest in sustainability, the river that was once full of life is now empty of it.

Currently the river suffers from a more challenging difficulty, the increase of global temperatures and consequent increasing droughts reduces the water flowing in the river. This not only puts the local ecosystem at risk, but also the irrigation systems used to provide water to the crops and the distribution of water for the people's needs.

Being at the frontline of the negative consequences of an unsustainable model, a major interest in sustainability is the natural answer to protect mine and global communities.

What made you choose Goal7?

Goal7 is the perfect environment for an economist interested in making a difference when it comes to sustainability. The team is formed by a wide variety of engineers and scientsits, from whom to learn about the technical aspects of the different sustainable technologies that an economist wouldn't learn otherwise.

What’s your favourite hobby or pastime?

Road cycling is a great opportunity to both do exercise and explore new areas. Unlike other sports, cycling allows you to cover long distances.

What’s a good playlist to listen to while working?

Depending on the mood and always taking into consideration that maximum concentration is needed, I have two playlists that help me while working.

On the one hand rock music from the 80s and early 90s in the former Yugoslavia, being Bajaga & Instruktori and Prljavo Kazaliste the artists I recommend the most.

On the other hand, there is always time and space for Portuguese traditional Pimba, namely my favourite artist, Quim Barreiros. I am his greatest fan!

What’s a book, movie, or TV show you’d recommend to everyone?

''Our Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came From, Where We Are Going'' by anthropologist Marvin Harris. I first read some of his works during my Anthropology course in high school, since then I have been captivated by every single one of his books. His writing style makes it really easy to read, and the covered topics are of the greatest interest, from why we look like we do, the rising of complex societies, the reasons behind religion and ideology etc.

About Us

Ciaran Gara

Graduate Sustainability Analyst


My journey towards a career in sustainability began with my deep-rooted love and curiosity for the outdoors. Growing up in Scotland, a land renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and pristine lochs, I developed a profound connection to the environment. Joining my local scout group was a real key in accelerating my appreciation for what is on our doorstep, and equipped me with the essential skills and knowledge for exploring the great outdoors. These early experiences instilled in me a lifelong commitment to protect and preserve our natural world.

My university journey was a pivotal chapter in my life, where I delved into the world of chemical engineering. During this time, I immersed myself in the subjects of chemical processes, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. These studies not only provided me with a solid technical foundation but also instilled in me the core values of precision, efficiency, and a systematic approach to problem-solving. With these principles at the forefront, I ventured into the realm of sustainable design, driven by the belief that engineering expertise could be harnessed to create a better, more environmentally-conscious world.

Observing how nature grows, adapts, and thrives is an approach that has become the bedrock of my work, shaping my approach to sustainability. I've been inspired by the wisdom of nature, which has evolved over millions of years, providing valuable insights into solving climate challenges. As I've delved into sustainable design, I've learned that simplicity can be a powerful force for change. Take my work on a shade protection structure for the agriculture sector as an example; it's inspired by the way forests provide natural shade to conserve water and help crops thrive, whilst the mechanisms for operating are taken from how a flower blooms. By keeping solutions straightforward and drawing from nature's timeless principles, we can create effective, sustainable solutions. I'm dedicated to applying these principles in my work, striving to leave a positive impact on our planet and future generations.

Embarking on a new chapter in my professional journey, I am thrilled to join Goal7, a company at the forefront of developing and accelerating energy solutions that work in balance with the world around us. Here, I aim to leverage my experiences and expertise to help businesses and organisations embrace sustainability as a core value. I look forward to contributing to Goal7s sustainability initiatives and core values.

About Us

Maeve Gielty

Sustainability Analyst - Chemist


My interest in sustainability started at a very young age. I was always fascinated by the world around me and, from living in Dublin but spending my summers in the west coast of Ireland, I was constantly surrounded by beauty, both city and country landscapes. It made me protective of the environment and I was taught early on about the importance of recycling, reusing goods and in general trying to have an energy efficient household as much as possible, which was a beneficial skill to develop when growing up in a heavily wasteful and technology focused 2000s.

My attention to the environment and sustainability grew once I began school and quickly my favourite subjects became maths and science. I still remember my very first science fair, making a homemade torch using a lightbulb, battery, tin-foil, paperclips, and carboard. With this interest in all things science, I began a four year degree in general science at the University College Dublin (UCD) which quickly became focused in environmental chemistry in my second year. This undergrad taught me the essentials for environmental processes in the chemical world and cemented my adsorption in emerging green technologies, particularly in renewable energy solutions.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I took a year off, working part time to focus travelling, as being Irish, the need to travel and explore new places is ingrained in my blood. After the year off, I decided that I wanted to gain more knowledge in Green Chemistry. I next undertook a Master's degree in Green Chemistry at the University of Nottingham (UoN). The move to Nottingham was an exciting process that was unfortunately cut short due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was lucky enough to be able to complete my MSc degree from Ireland and it let me expand my focus, not just in environmental chemistry, but sustainable technologies in general and I found a real appreciation for how versatile the term 'sustainability' really is.

After I graduated I began working with a company in human data Science but before long I came to the conclusion that I was still heavily interested in environmental technologies and it was the area of science that I most wanted to be a part of. Finally, after much deliberation, I decided to search for a job focusing in sustainable technologies and in 2023, I got the chance to move to Scotland and begin working for Goal7 as a sustainability analyst, yet again fulfilling my need to travel to new places in the world, albeit somewhere close to Ireland, for whenever I wish to make the journey home.

About Us

Amanda Green

Sustainability Analyst - Chemical Engineer


When I was thinking about what I wanted to do when I left school I had no clear idea, but I liked chemistry and maths and knew I wanted to move to Edinburgh. This led me to studying Chemical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University where I developed an interest in integrating sustainable design, minimising or repurposing waste streams, and, of course, the nights out every Wednesday with the netball club!!

When my 5 years were up I was faced with another big decision and, as you might have expected, I was faced with more uncertainty about where I wanted to start my career and which industry I wanted to develop my skills in. This resulted in a gap year where I travelled around South and Central America before I spent 4 years working in the drinks industry in Glasgow.

Now you might have noticed that I’m prone to bouts of uncertainty when it comes to making life decisions, however there is one thing I know for sure, the climate emergency is very real and tangible, and I want to be a part of doing the right thing when it comes to moving towards a net zero economy.

I’m extremely grateful for my parents’ ability to keep my brother and I occupied when we were young. So many days spent camping, touring around Scotland, looking for shells on the beach and coming home with the car windshield having all sorts of bugs squished over it – a thing of the past when I look at my own car when I return from similar trips, a constant reminder of the detrimental impact humans are having on the world around us.

It saddens me to think that a lot of the things I love – travelling to see the beautiful places around me, hiking, eating good food – are all things I won’t be able to enjoy if we continue with business as usual, which is why I’m excited to be a part of Goal7. Trying to navigate around the world of ESG can be a minefield at times – so many acronyms to learn and problems to solve – but here at Goal7 I get to witness the innovations and developments taking place to allow for sustainable growth in industry, as part of a collaborative and supportive team who have a passion for implementing positive change.

About Us

Tracy Kabau

Sustainability Analyst - Geoscientist


My curiosity and my love for problem solving started at a young age and perhaps led to my love of science. Science has almost always provided answers to my never-ending stream of questions, and it continues to do so. Finding answers to my questions just encouraged me to seek further and learn more! In other words, science stoked and still stokes my curiosity. It is one subject that holds the key to unlocking the human brain. It explains itself to anyone who is interested and responds to those who inquire.

My teacher used to say, "Science is for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from," at the end of virtually every lesson. Kenya, where I was raised, is among the most stunning places on earth, in my opinion. However, not many girls are interested in or encouraged to pursue the sciences, but very gradually, this is changing. My parents championed my interests and always encouraged me to strive and work hard for what it was that I most desired.

In 2012, a massive oil field was discovered in Kenya. Hearing about this and with my intense curiosity for learning more after high school, I chose to study Petroleum Geoscience, a new course in Kenya specifically rolled-out in response to the need for developing knowledgeable and qualified personnel locally. I wanted to be a part of an industry that impacted the environment and people in the way that this newly discovered resource seemed to have the potential to do.

After completing my bachelor's degree, I had the opportunity to pursue my master's degree in integrated geosciences at the University of Aberdeen. It was here that I became aware of the environmental crisis and realised that we needed to change to adequately preserve the earth. The phrase "energy transition" has stuck with me ever since. I believe that as scientists, it is our duty to use our knowledge and research to positively impact our society, and we need to look ahead and drive towards finding the long-term solutions to having a sustainable world.

I graduated with enhanced skills in problem solving, deductive thinking, data integration, and holistic approaches to risk and uncertainty. With skills well suited to assisting in the resolution of energy and resource challenges, my job search began, and I came across Goal7. Throughout my interviews, I was impressed with the creative & innovative thinking and the passion for sustainability from everyone in the team. Having now started at Goal7, I am enjoying the nurturing atmosphere, constantly being inspired to learn and never stop learning and to be creative. It so rewarding to be around people who aspire for change. Nimefurahi (happy) to be part of the Goal7 team!

About Us

Lynden Keal

Sustainability Analyst


Ever since my university days in Aberdeen, diving deep into effective performance management and sustainability reporting, I've been fuelled by the conviction that strategic foresight is not just about leading within the market—it's about pioneering a path with purpose, that others believe in, and are inspired to follow.

My passion for energy, emissions, and sustainability stems from a realisation that the future of our planet hinges on the decisions we make today. The role of energy in our lives is pivotal—it powers our homes, fuels our industries, and shapes our economies. Yet, the traditional means of generating this energy, alongside the processes for which it is used, have taken a heavy toll, requiring a thoughtful revolution.

As I navigated the complexities of investment strategies and operational efficiencies at Centrica, I witnessed firsthand the impact of innovative energy solutions. Securing investment in clean technologies like solar and hydrogen production wasn't just a professional milestone; it was a pivotal moment that solidified my dedication to a sustainable energy future. This is where my commitment to reducing emissions comes into play. I believe that by transitioning to low-carbon and renewable energy sources, with effective measurement systems and actionable plans, we can dramatically reduce the acceleration of climate change.

In 2023 I resettled in Aberdeenshire, soaking in the expanse of its natural beauty and fortifying my resolve to contribute to a just energy transition. It was here, that I absorbed the intricacies of Scotland's earnest strides towards a just and thoughtful energy transition. This period inspired a chapter of intense learning, stoking of a fire within me to make a tangible impact locally.

When the opportunity to join Goal7 emerged, the shared mission, emphasised by both co-founders, aligned seamlessly with my vision to drive sustainable solutions to challenges across industries. My extensive background in research, market analysis and organisational transformation in the energy industry, coupled with a strong environmental ethos, has armed me with the tools to positively influence the next wave of energy transition.

Goal7 is a diverse team who share a common goal: to shape a sustainable future through accelerating energy solutions which work in balance with the world around us. Here, I am empowered to apply my strategic expertise and deep-seated commitment to sustainability to drive change within the industry and beyond. Together, we are committed to harnessing science, technology, and actionable analysis, where every strategic decision is a step towards a future that we can all be proud of.

About Us

Raph MacDonald

VP North America


Work hard, is an ethos my dad instilled in me from a young age. That resulted in a few jobs that don’t make it to my CV these days: paper boy, shelf stacker, removal man, tele sales, fish factory worker, taxi driver, barman. Then came university, followed by something a little less hard work (a gap year, or two travelling the world).

I started my professional career in a traditional Accounting role. I quickly realised this didn’t really fit well with me. The confines of a prescribed financial statement format didn’t leave much leeway for excitement, and we all know that adding creativity to accounting doesn’t end particularly well.

Fast forward 15 years, I’d experienced a vast array of different roles in the oil and gas industry, with E&P companies, a small consultancy and the worlds largest oilfield service provider. I was afforded opportunities that allowed me to spread my wings; work with some outstandingly talented people, learn, make mistakes, manage teams, as well as learn new skills along the way. My experience in accounting was supplemented with data analytics, economics, commercial and project management

During an enforced sabbatical, waiting for a work visa, I was seriously considering both an industry and career change. Being outdoors has always been a happy place form me, from mountain biking in the highlands of Scotland, to hiking in the Appalachian trails in the US. I decided that an RV road trip with my dog Lucy and my trusty mtb, would be an ideal way to clear the cobwebs and formulate a plan. To paraphrase Rabbie Burns, the best laid schemes gang aft agley. Before the planning phase had even begun, James Paton threw a spanner in the works.

When both James's outlined their vision for Goal7, and offered me a role, I was incredibly excited, but also acutely aware that I had no direct experience in the world of energy transition and reducing emissions. "To have an influence we need to be successful" were some words from James, that echoed in my mind for quite some time. I strongly felt they wanted to help make positive change in the oil and gas industry, and with luck beyond.

Alas, I couldn’t accept the offer at that point. With no visa yet approved, the road trip was back on, but with a different purpose. Research research research…Energy transition, the science of global warming, policies, and an ever growing number of new acronyms. I loved it, happily going down rabbit holes, resurfacing hours later. The more I read the more fascinated I became. The realisation that there is so much more to the climate challenge than I anticipated is a little overwhelming at times, but I feel with the application of sound business principles in conjunction with science, technology and hard work we can make a difference.

About Us

Peter Macdonald

Graduate Sustainability Analyst - Chemist


Peter recently graduated from the University of Strathclyde with a PhD in Synthetic Organometallic Chemistry, having previously completed his MChem in Forensic and Analytical Chemistry within the same institution. Sustainability has been at the forefront of his research, with many new commercial processes involving toxic and/or hazardous materials, he looked into sustainable alternatives, such as alkali metal compounds for use in catalytic transformations. Since joining the team in September 2024, Peter has made good use of his technical and analytical background as a graduate sustainability analyst.

Hear more from Peter.....

Where does your interest in sustainability come from?

Originally from the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, I spent my childhood surrounded by the best beaches and landscapes our country has to offer. From moorlands, mountains and machair to white sands and turquoise waters, you couldn’t help but shape a career into something that would want to help preserve it.

What made you choose Goal7?

People often ask you 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years' time?' and having spent the majority of my adult life in academia, I'm keen to now broaden my horizons and use the skills I've established within that time for something that I'm passionate about. Goal7 became a very good opportunity to use these skills to their full potential. It was evident from the moment I arrived at the graduate interview day that everyone at Goal7 worked together as a team. I grow and develop in these kinds of environments, where you are made to feel that 'no question is a stupid question' and with a company that has core values and beliefs that align with your own.

What’s a good playlist to listen to while working?

I have tried and tested for years to become a person who can work and listen to music or podcasts at the same time. Unfortunately it becomes the case that the music or said podcast becomes my work, where a report would end up finishing with Fleetwood Mac or Bruce Springsteen lyrics. That being said, Radio 1 or 2 in the background wouldn’t go a miss now and then.

What’s a book, movie, or TV show you’d recommend to everyone?

If any of my friends were asked to suggest something on my behalf, they would immediately know to answer Jurassic Park. So I guess I can cover all 3 here. Obviously first comes the movie, followed by the book by Michael Crichton. Having younger cousins, who are newly introduced to the series, there is an animated tv series which is age appropriate for all involved. Dare I say it, animated dinosaurs are for adults too, right?

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? (or What’s your go-to comfort food?)

Having been asked this question before, I've had time to conduct a plan to make it all worthwhile. Simply you must choose a buffet style approach (I will not take this as cheating, we have all seen your concoctions from the carvery before). First of all you add the meats to the plate, thinly sliced, beef and chicken, minimal damage for space. Next the cauliflower cheese and broccoli to set the scene. Sticking on the vegetable side, maybe some roasted carrots and parsnips, enough to quantify 1 of your 5 a day. As versatile as they are, I'm not the biggest fan of mashed potato, so I'm only picking roasties for the time being. The nooks and crannies can be filled in with sweetcorn and peas. Finally I would place a giant Yorkshire pudding, balanced on top, with a big serving of gravy. I appreciate that this is a large portion but because it's for the rest of your life, why not serve it with a side of Stornoway black pudding?

About Us

Calum Mackintosh

Sustainability Analyst - Mechanical Engineer


I’ve always enjoyed problem solving, perhaps because as a kid I was often creating problems. Not in a mischievous or malicious sort of way, but more from my curiosity and sense of adventure. Maybe it came about from fiddling with something I probably shouldn’t have or an injury which resulted in a trip to A&E.

So, when I excelled at physics, maths and geography in school I naturally focused on STEM. Pushed on by enthusiastic teachers, this progressed towards a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I wanted to study and work in a field which makes tangible impacts to the world we live in. So, after leaving school I moved to the big smoke and studied for five years at the University of Strathclyde in central Glasgow, where I became heavily involved in the mountaineering and kayaking clubs.

Between climbing, kayaking, and skiing, I seem to have a knack for picking “dangerous”, expensive hobbies. But I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love the sense of adventure, pushing myself to develop new skills and master them when there’s very little room for error. However, I think the most fulfilling element of these outdoor pursuits comes from the communities that surround them. Whether it’s the trust you develop with your belay partner before racking up for your next challenge or the person you’ve just met on the pub night, everyone is a friendly face who shares the same passion for the outdoors.

Scotland is the perfect playground for these activities and shows us why we need to work so hard to preserve it. Returning back to Grampian each summer I would watch as the fields and forests I grew up in were swallowed by the inexorable march of progress. And living in the shadow of Aberdeen everyone has been affected by the North Sea oil and gas industry. Combined with my passion for the Scottish outdoors this has fuelled my ideas for a more sustainable future. It is clear we need to accelerate the energy transition and reduce worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.

As a graduate engineer I wanted to work in an industry which could shape this development, overcoming challenges in society, economy, and the environment. So, after graduating mid-pandemic without ceremony and a couple months into the job hunt, I was delighted to be contacted by Goal7. Through my research and interviews with both the James’ it was clear Goal7 aligned with my ideals, with a collaborate team highly passionate about building a more sustainable future. Becoming immediately involved in projects with clients has been incredibly exciting and rewarding. I look forward to continue learning and growing with a focus on future energy solutions to provide clean and affordable energy for all.

About Us

Debbie Paton



Who would’ve thought a suggestion from my physics teacher when I was 16 would define so much for me? “Since you like physics & maths Debbie, have you considered engineering?” Intrigued to find out more, I went on a short course organised by Smallpeice Trust and was subsequently hooked. I absolutely loved the problem solving! I had just enough qualifications to get into uni so ditched the last year at school and went to study engineering. Engineering society site visits to nuclear submarines at Rosyth and St Fergus Power Stations only served to fuel my interest! Looking back, I feel very lucky that I had such a clear idea of my career path.

30 years on, I’m still certain I chose well and cannot understand why more people don’t choose to study engineering. My interest in how & why things work the way they do continues and the reward I get when I see what I’ve been designing for months being built is so very special.

I hate pollution, I hate chemicals. I’m scared of the unseen, unknown damage they are causing. I used to feel embarrassed about holding my breath as I pass behind a vehicle to avoid the exhaust fumes. Took me many years to admit this to anyone! I now see the kids animatedly doing the same thing because they know from the media that these emissions are not good for us or our environment. Just as well they've learned it that way - we all know that they would only breath in deeper – if their parent suggested they should hold their breath!! Now that I have a fully electric car my breath holding can finally stop! Although - don't ask me about the stress of charging it away from home!! Infrastructure just isn't there yet!

My life for the past 20 years has revolved around children, but as they are beginning to plough their own furrows, I have started working part of the week. What is the world going to look like for them, their children and grand-children? I don’t have these answers but I do know the world takes a long time to change and we can start now because every difference adds up. We can all make efficiencies in our everyday lives but I'm proud to be working with Goal7 and being part of a team effecting even greater changes in our world.

About Us

James Paton



As a kid I loved the outdoors. I worked on local farms, went hillwalking and, by what ever means I could, traveled up to the Scottish ski resorts to go skiing. Life out doors seemed a life well spent and life indoors revising did not. My shrewd father decided that a summer working for a construction company would be a good idea. This was a unique experience. Someone cutting the tree branch I was sitting on during site preparation and the back breaking process of installing a sewage outfall on my own for two weeks was character building but did make me realise that life without qualifications may be a hard life.

A bit more time spent at my desk resulted in going to University to study mechanical engineering. At university I got really interested in a emerging industry, subsea. It seemed very cool installing things in hundreds of metres of water, and controlling them miles and miles away. With good luck I managed to get a job with an oil company who had a very active subsea programme. The work was really interesting and led to a very enjoyable career building complex facilities, both underwater and on the surface.

Following this, founding a new business was a ‘scratch I had to itch’. With some colleagues we built a consulting business-up that we sold to one of the big oilfield services companies. This was a big challenge but very rewarding. The most rewarding aspect was working with a group of people and collectively setting a culture that was different, enjoyable and allowed people to flourish.

Sale of the business allowed me few months out to spend time with my family and to reflect on life. It gave me time to research the world around me and I became both alarmed and excited about the changes taking place. Alarmed because humans impact on our environment was not only something I could research, my life had provided the evidence too. Travelling around the world the appalling pollution in many major cities, the fact that my children can’t enjoy (or more accurately endure) the same Scottish skiing I did, our cars no longer have the thick layer of squashed insects on them that used to take hours to remove and that my mother lives in fear she will be flooded the next time there is coincident heavy rain and a high tide. Excited because I believe there is growing momentum to change how we interact with our environment, we have the capability to address it and the solution will be complex and one, being selfish, I can have a role in.

Part of the complexity is there is no one thing that we can do to solve the challenge. Energy provision on our planet should be considered multidimensional and a continuum. Where I grew was rural but we had the good fortune of having access to mains natural gas – many of the major trunk and feeders lines were installed within a few hundred metres of our house. It was a great privilege to have access to what was considered at the time clean and affordable energy. I am sure that in 40 years time the energy that we class as green energy today will have some undesirable impacts that have not yet been identified and the challenge will continue.

About Us

James Robinson



Whilst I now live on a working sheep farm, I grew up surrounded by heavy industry. I was born on Teesside, I can still taste the smell of ammonia and chlorine from the ICI Billingham factory - but at least we had plenty of fertiliser bags for sledging. Then we moved to Brunei – living on an oilfield: nodding donkeys on street corners; pipelines running along the sides of the roads; I used to pester my dad to detour and drive by the new LNG train getting built nearby; and I could see an old offshore platform from my bedroom window. I wasn’t surprised when my career path headed towards the oil and gas industry.

Growing up in the 1970’s, I saw the shipbuilding industry in North East England rapidly decline. My parents’ friends were either made redundant or went off to work in the Middle East, mainly in the oil and gas industry. When I started working in the early 1990’s in Leeds, the Yorkshire textile industry quickly moved offshore and I saw another UK industry collapse. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the common link!

So when people start talking about the death knell of the oil and gas industry, that moved me to action. I believe passionately that the oil and gas industry has a key role to play in Energy Transition - highly skilled people managing and executing technically demanding, complex projects often incorporating new technologies – that’s what we do.

At Goal7, I want to bring together the range of skills and technical backgrounds to help transform the industry - developing, scaling up and combining technologies to make a significant impact on reducing emissions.

About Us

Charlotte Ruddiman



I grew up in Aberdeen, surrounded by the oil industry from a young age. Regular drives past the harbour would have me craning up at the enormous oilfield service vessels, while school trips included visits to oil companies, and competitions for the most creative use for decommissioned oil rigs (in hindsight my design for an offshore concert venue was not the most practical). The daily drive to school had me tuning into market updates on the radio - I’m not sure how many 12 year olds are able to quote the daily price of Brent crude. Studying economics at school through the 2008 financial crash increased my awareness of the precariousness of our dependence on the oil industry, and then gradually of its detrimental environmental impacts.

After studying History and French at the University of Edinburgh, I combined my love for the outdoors, sport and languages by training as an Austrian ski instructor. 4 years working in Austria and training on glaciers opened my eyes to the reality of climate change. Alarmingly fast rates of glacier melt and changing weather patterns are clear to see, particularly when speaking to older locals who remember how things used to be. I feel privileged to have experienced these beautiful environments, and deeply saddened that they will likely be gone for future generations.

The Covid-19 lockdown ground the ski industry to a halt. It came at a time when I was already evaluating my next move, keen to be involved in proactive climate action. I studied an MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development at University College London’s Development Planning Unit. This highly motivating course fuelled my passion for sustainable development, particularly for an equitable renewable energy transition. A 5 month overseas project working on renewable energy solutions for Freetown, Sierra Leone highlighted the importance of equitable energy access for all areas of life, from health to education and livelihoods, while also serving as a stark reminder of the need for energy efficiency and emissions reductions in high-consumption economies. It felt like a full circle moment, connecting the dots with the energy-focused environment I had grown up in.

After graduating from UCL, I worked in Germany for a year, managing sustainable development projects funded by the World Bank and the German Development Bank. Goal7 contacted me at the perfect time, as I was seeking a role with the creativity to find the best research-based solutions for complex energy transition challenges. I am delighted to join such a highly motivated, interdisciplinary team to deliver energy solutions together at Goal7. I look forward to challenging myself and learning with a focus on a clean and affordable renewable energy transition for all.

About Us

Philip Simon

Sustainability Analyst - Electrical Engineer


Growing up in the middle east was an exciting experience for me, watching the transformation of a metropolitan city where oil and gas spurred the creation of a city of towers reaching for the skies. My childhood summer holidays were mostly spent playing cricket and football with the neighbourhood kids and we were never bothered by the scorching heat. A couple of the nostalgic memories that I recall.

Science and maths fascinated me at school and that led me to explore Electrical and Electronics engineering for my bachelor’s degree, in India. The complexity of power system engineering drew me into lots of research and reading with many hours spent in the college library. This is when I was influenced by the growing advocacies around Climate Change and the transition to Clean Energy. My perspective on the co-relation between technology and development challenged me to explore my surroundings. I decided to explore my small hometown village back in Kerala - through the streams, climbing up the lush green mountains, and dipping in the free-flowing blue waters all reminded me of the necessity to preserve nature at its finest for every visitor.

Following my first degree, I achieved an opportunity to study a masters in Energy Systems Engineering, a course that combined technology and the environment, at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun. The exposure of living in this part of northern India – a beautiful hill city with fascinating history located in the foothills of the Himalayas – was indeed an inspiring way to connect with nature and learn.

Having completed my course, I spent the next 4 years working as an Electrical Commissioning Engineer for a company in Dubai. This allowed me to be a part of sustainable adaptations of iconic infrastructures. Dubai was undergoing an exciting change in prioritizing sustainability as a key element in its move towards Net Zero, just like the United Kingdom. It was then time for a move to Scotland.

Never could there be a better time, while exploring picturesque Scotland, to receive a call from Goal7. My conversations with my now colleagues convinced me that Goal7’s objectives were aligned with my passion and mindset. I am looking forward to contributing to the team achievement of Goal7 sustainability values.

About Us

Lucy Tease



Growing up in the Highlands of Scotland I was surrounded daily by some of the very best nature had to offer. This resulted in a privileged expectation of a clean environment but over the years it became apparent this is a select privilege and one that I wasn’t comfortable hoarding. Couple this with a sprinkling of prominent engineers in my life and I soon found myself at Heriot Watt, Edinburgh to begin my training as a Chemical Engineer. Throughout my degree the more I learned about the implementation of sustainability the more driven I became in understanding the challenges associated with it and the development in altering new and existing practices.

After graduating I found myself as an environmental engineering consultant working within the depths of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Before I knew it was able to talk in a whole new language of acronyms and understand the merits and failings of the system. However, ultimately when it came down to it I didn't feel like I was doing enough. To this many will laugh and say don't take things so seriously. Now they probably have a point but when it boils down to it, I want to be part of the difference that I want to see in the world.

Now as an engineer I have to admit I love a graph and yes I do have a favorite. It’s a relatively simple one that illustrates energy consumption per person and the quality of life index per country. The reason I love this graph is because it perfectly illustrates how access to energy can drastically improve someones life, whilst also highlighting that quality of life stagnates after a certain level of consumption. Both highlighting the need for affordable energy in the countries with low energy consumption per person and energy efficiency within the countries with excessive energy consumption per person. Essentially it perfectly illustrates the need for UN SDG 7.

So when I was contacted by Goal7 mid pandemic their goal quite literally struck home with me and I decided to take a chance. It's amazing to get to go to work and feel like a kid in a sweetie shop albeit less tooth decay inducing and more a kin to an engineers paradise. Where research, industry knowledge and economics merge to propose real strategic change. Now I know that this may all sound quite dreamlike and ambitious, perhaps you are already chuckling at my young naivety and I wouldn't blame you, a degree of scepticism in the world is not a bad thing. But I would like to invite you to stop and let yourself dream even for a second. Now take that idea and apply sound advice and just maybe, that can be a step towards creating the energy system of tomorrow.

About Us

Emma Wilson

Sustainability Analyst Chemist


Growing up, I loved learning and had a keen interest in almost everything school had to offer. I had a particular curiosity for the natural world and a favourite childhood book was ‘1000 Q&As About the World’ which answered a few of my many burning questions such as ‘Why is the sky blue?’ or ‘How fast can a cheetah run?’.

As an adult, I have come to realise that nature has so much more to offer beyond what school teaches and this continues to surprise me. I often feel a childlike thrill when I catch sight of a bird I haven't seen before or spot a brightly coloured mushroom on a forest floor. The joy I get from spending time outdoors is what drives me to work on finding more sustainable solutions for the benefit of our planet.

My choice to study Chemistry at university was born out of this same curiosity for the world. I found it so interesting that we could break things down to their chemical composition to make sense of why a substance behaves the way it does. During my degree, however, I quickly began to realise that the chemical industry didn't generally have the best reputation in terms of the environment. From the petrochemical industry with the huge CO2 emissions from burning oil and gas to the plastics industry producing masses of materials that don't break down in the environment. Learning about the effects that CFCs had on our ozone layer was a topic that shocked me. How could us humans inadvertently have made such a harmful impact on our planetary health?

When I had the chance to select my own research topics, I therefore knew I wanted to do something in the field of green/sustainable chemistry. For my Erasmus placement year, my project focused on developing a chemical reaction to transform bio-based alcohols into new, useful chemicals for industry. I progressed to my Masters project where I worked on developing a new electrode material for Li-ion batteries to improve upon their energy efficiency and sustainability.

Following university, I was excited to be working as a Research Chemist for a company making vanadium redox flow batteries for renewable energy storage. This was a really interesting technology to be immersed in - it was a relatively young product which meant novel scientific findings were frequently made. It was great getting an insight into the energy industry and its advancement, particularly learning that large scale energy storage was still a new concept despite being key to stabilising renewable energy. I am now really excited to be joining the very driven and knowledgeable Goal7 team where I aim to bring my passions for sustainability, science and new technologies to the role.

About Us

Mac Versey

Sustainability Project Coordinator


Mac gained his Engineering Doctorate through the IDCORE program, a centre for doctoral training in the offshore renewables sector based at the Universities of Edinburgh, Exeter and Strathclyde. As part of his doctorate, Mac completed research on behalf of his sponsor company exploring the co-deployment of offshore solar arrays and wave energy converters. After completing his research, Mac continued at his sponsor company as a project engineer and has been part of a team developing a novel permanent magnet generator, completing systems engineering designs and leading technical sections and modelling of FEEDs for wave energy subsea electrification projects. Mac joined Goal7 in September 2024 and is excited to build on his existing experience whilst using his skills in new industries.

Hear more from Mac....

Where does your interest in sustainability come from?

Having always had a keen interest in how things work, I ended up pursuing a degree in engineering where I discovered the complexities and beauty in the energy system but also its fragility and historically negative impact on our environment. This set the scene for my desire to contribute to a positive change to the energy sector and is why I pursued my Engineering Doctorate. I now continue to work in the energy industry to help improve and maintain our energy infrastructure to ensure a just transition.

What made you choose Goal7?

My first impressions of Goal7 was that they "walked the walk". Not only do they contribute to significant projects in a professional, yet friendly, manner; they also keep sustainability at the heart of everything they do.

What motivates your work?

In a cheesy way, my children. The root purpose of sustainability is to make our planet habitable by the next generation, hopefully leaving it in a better way than we found it.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? (or What’s your go-to comfort food?)

In the cooler months a nice hearty stew or roast dinner. In the summer it would be a BBQ.

What’s your favourite quote or piece of advice? (Or What phrase or cliché do you most live by?)

"The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time to plant a tree is today" It reminds me to not put things off and stay motivated.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

James Clerk Maxwell so I could still struggle to understand his equations, but at least I heard it from the horse's mouth!